Accounting Industry Statistics For Accountants

Accounting industry statistics can be a valuable tool in helping you stay on top of the latest changes in your field. They also give you a sense of what your clients expect, and help you understand how to better serve them. If you're a small business accountant, these numbers are especially useful for understanding your own market.
The accounting industry is one of the largest in the world, but it's shifting as well. This shift is creating challenges for accountants as they work to adapt and meet the needs of their clients.
According to a report from Wolters Kluwer, 51% of accounting firms believe that regulatory change is their biggest challenge. Additionally, many firms are still struggling with keeping up with the pace of legislative changes.
As a result, most firms are trying to find ways to streamline their processes and automate as much as possible. However, this automation will not replace the need for human intervention in most cases.
Besides automation, there are other ways that accountants can streamline their work processes and improve efficiency. For example, accountants can use content management systems to manage documents and emails for their clients. This saves time and helps clients stay on top of their finances. You can as well click on Anything Research to discover more info.
Accounting software is a growing market with an estimated value of $11 billion in 2018. This will double by 2026, as reported in research from 2018. It's important for accountants to stay on top of this trend to ensure they're providing the best service possible.
Accountants and accounting firms are in high demand for accounting and bookkeeping services, as well as payroll, tax, compliance, and business advisory. In fact, 79% of accountant firms provide these services.
In addition to these core accounting services, accountants are expanding their offerings to include consulting and other advisory services. This will give them more opportunities to add value to their clients' businesses.
Cloud accounting is a popular choice for many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). These companies are using it to increase productivity by 15% y-o-y, according to data from Xero.
The number of accounting and auditing positions is projected to increase by 125,700 jobs between 2019 and 2029. This is due to the fact that more and more companies are becoming digitally oriented and need to keep up with changing regulations.
There are also a lot of new accounting trends, such as the growing popularity of virtual work and increased emphasis on cloud technology. These trends are expected to continue in the future.
In the US, there are 1.27 million accounting and auditoring jobs, and the top four employers of these professionals are Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young, and KPMG. For more info, check out this related link:
The US accounting and auditing industry is highly specialized and requires a high degree of technical proficiency. It is a good career choice for people looking to enter the field and advance their careers. As an added bonus, accounting offers flexible working hours and an alternative schedule. It is also a relatively low-stress profession with excellent upward mobility and above-average job satisfaction.